Lectures (2016)


Benoît Bardy (EuroMov, University of Montpellier)

The embodiment of mental health in human - robot interactions [PNG] iconePdf

Benoît is Professor at the Université de Montpellier and the Institut Universitaire de France. His research is concerned with dynamical approaches to problems of coordination and control of movement, in real and virtual situations, with a particular interest for personalized technology-oriented rehabilitation. Benoît is the author of 200+ scientific articles and 400+ lectures, communications, and conferences worldwide. He is the current coordinator (2013-2016) of two large-scaled European research projects. ALTEREGO ( develops innovative rehabilitation methods to improve relational deficits of patients suffering from social disorders using virtual reality and humanoid robotics. BEAT-HEALTH ( exploits the tight link between music and movement and delivers embodied, flexible, and personalized rhythmical auditory stimulation (RAS) in order to enhance health (walking in PD patients) and wellness (Running across the lifespan). Benoît is the founding director of the EuroMov Centre for research and innovation in the art and science of movement ( and a consulting expert for the H2020 research program of the European Commission.

Nadia Berthouze (UCL)

Bringing affect into technology for chronic pain physical rehabilitation 

Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze ( is Professor in Affective Computing and Interaction. Her main area of expertise is the study of body movement and touch as modalities for recognising, modulating and automatically measuring human affective states in HCI. She has investigated the above questions in various contexts including full-body games and technology for physical rehabilitation. She has published more than 170 papers in affective computing, HCI, and pattern recognition. She was awarded the 2003 Technical Prize from the Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering and she was invited to give a TEDxStMartin talk (2012). She is/was: PI on the EPSRC-funded Emo&Pain project to design affective technology to support rehabilitation in chronic pain; co-I on the EPSRC-funded Digital Sensoria project investigating the use of biosensors to measure subjective responses to tactile experiences; the ILHAIRE project investigating laughter in human-avatar interaction; EU-FP7 Marie Curie IRSES UBI-HEALTH: Exchange of Excellence in Ubiquitous Computing Technologies to address Healthcare Challenges; H2020 HUMAN Manufacturing to investigate pain and affective behaviour in the working environment; and HOLD funded by the Wellcome Trust to investigate affective touch communication to address loneliness.


David Cohen (UPMC, Hôpital Pitié Salpétrière)

Behavior and interaction imaging in early psychopathology [PNG] iconePdf

David Cohen is Professor at the UPMC and head of the department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at La Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. He is also member of the lab Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et Robotiques (CNRS UMR 7222). His group runs research programs in the field of pervasive developmental disorder (autism) and learning disabilities, childhood onset schizophrenia, catatonia and severe mood disorder. He supports a developmental and plastic view of child psychopathology, at the level of both understanding and treatment. His team proposes a multidisciplinary approach and therefore collaborates with molecular biologist, methodologist, experimental psychologist, sociologist and engineer.    For the purpose of the Labex summer school, he will detail advances made in the field of early psychopathology thanks to in depth collaboration with ISIR engineering team specifically in the field of behavioral and interaction imaging.

Thierry Chaminade (Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone, CNRS)

Investigating neurotypical and pathological neural bases of social cognition with artificial agents [PNG] iconePdf

Thierry Chaminade is a tenure CNRS neuroscience researcher since 2007. His primary scholarly interest is the biological bases of the uniqueness of the human mind. In practice, different measures of human physiology, from biochemistry to neuroimaging (fMRI in particular), are combined with approaches from humanities, from anthropology to psychology and psychiatry, in order to develop an integrative account of human cognition. The main aspect of his research investigates the neurophysiological and behavioral responses to the emerging artificial agents, computer-animated avatars and humanoid robots, to assess how we adapt our social skills in the absence of pre-existing concepts about the nature and behaviour of these agents. 

Yiannis Demiris (Imperial College)

Human-Robot Collaboration: Personalisation and Developmental Aspects [PNG] iconePdf

Professor Yiannis Demiris heads the Personal Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College London ( His research interests include assistive robotics, user modelling, human-robot collaboration, cognitive and developmental robotics, multi robot systems, and  applications of intelligent robotics in healthcare.  His research is funded by the EU FP7 and H2020 programs  through projects WYSIWYD and PAL, and a US/UK MURI grant, all  addressing novel machine learning  approaches to human-robot interaction.  He received the Rectors Award for  Teaching Excellence, and the Faculty of Engineering Award for Excellence in Engineering Education in 2012. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (FRSS), the British Computer  Society (FBCS) and the  Institute of Engineering and Technology (FIET). 


Nathalie George (ICM, CNRS / Inserm / UPMC)

How the human brain decodes social signals from faces [PNG] iconePdf

After a PhD on evoked potential studies of face processing, Nathalie George did a post-doc in the Functional Imaging Laboratory of the Wellcome Departement for Cognitive Neuroscience of London, UK. She then became a lecturer in the Université Paris 8 in 1998 before being recruited as a research scientist at the CNRS in 2001. She was promoted as Research Professor (DR2, CNRS) in 2012. She co-heads the Social and Affective Neuroscience research team of the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM, CNRS / Inserm / UPMC), which focuses on the anatomo-functional organisation of the emotional brain from both a basic and a clinical neuroscience perspectives. She is also the scientific director of the MEG-EEG platform of the Neuroimaging Research Centre of the ICM. Her research focus has been on face perception from the early stages of her career. She moved from a focus on visual cognitive processes to the study of social and affective processes involved in face processing. To tackle these issues, she uses the variety of methods available in the field of human cognitive neuroscience, with an emphasis on brain imaging methods based on magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography (MEG / EEG), which give access to the dynamics of information processing.


Vincent Guigue (UPMC- LIP6)

Machine Learning techniques for physiological signal classification [PNG] iconePdf

Vincent Guigue graduated with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Sciences, then he completed his PhD at the INSA of Rouen, working on machine learning techniques for signal classification. In particular, he wan a BCI challenge in 2005 with his supervisor Alain Rakotomamonjy. He obtained an assistant professor's position at LIP6 in Paris in 2006 and worked on various applicative fields around machine learning ranging from sentiment classification and recommender systems to EEG/fMRI analysis. Currently, his main interest resides in user modeling and transfer learning.

Vincent Hayward (UPMC - ISIR)

Tactile illusions: their practical and theoretical significance [PNG] iconePdf

Vincent Hayward (Dr.-Ing., 1981 Univ. de Paris XI) was postdoctoral fellow at Purdue University, and joined CNRS, France, as Chargé de Recherches in 1983. In 1987, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University as assistant, associate, and then full professor in 2006. He was the Director of the McGill Center for Intelligent Machines from 2001 to 2004 and held the "Chaire internationale d'haptique" at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie from 2008 to 2010, where he is now a professor. Vincent Hayward was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 2008 et received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council in 2010.


Dirk Heylen (University of Twente)

Mediating Social Touch [PNG] iconePdf

Dirk Heylen is full professor Socially Intelligent Computing at the University of Twente. He is working in the area of Affective Computing, Social Signal Processing and Virtual Human Research. With a background in computational linguistics and computer science he looks at the multiple modalities that people use to communicate with each other and tries to build machines that can mimick these skills. Over the years, he has become interested mainly in non-linguistic channels of communication and in the affective dimension. Currently he is president of the International Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing.


Nathanaël Jarrassé (UPMC - ISIR)

Control approaches for upper-limb prosthetics [PNG] iconePdf

Nathanaël Jarrassé received an M.Eng. in Industrial Systems Engineering from Arts et Métiers ParisTech, and an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Robotics from UPMC, Paris. He has been a postdoctoral Research Associate at the HRG, Department of Bioengineering of Imperial College London, and is now a Tenured Researcher for the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at ISIR. His research focuses on physical human-robot interaction for medical applications, and aims at developing robotic interactive systems (prostheses, exoskeletons, instrumented objects) to study and characterize the human sensorimotor system, and to improve assistance and rehabilitation of individuals affected by motor skill loss.


Charles Lenay (UTC, CosTech)

Technical mediation of social cognition: experimental study of perceptual interactions [PNG] iconePdf

Charles Lenay. Director, then Deputy Director of the Research Unit EA2223 COSTECH (Knowledge, Organisation and Technical Systems) at UTC (Université de Technologie de Compiègne), After serving as Vice-President of the French Association for Cognitive Research (ARCo), he created in 1995 the Perceptive Supplementation Group (GSP) in the framework of this Research Unit. As a professor in Philosophy and cognitive science his research interests concern the question of cognitive technologies: how tools and technical devices participate in cognitive activity in the broad sense – reasoning, memory, perception, social interaction. For this he created a minimalist experimental paradigm allowing a dialogue between cognitive psychology and phenomenology.

Gianluca Manzo (Paris-Sorbonne, GEMASS)

Agent-based Models of Social Dynamics: Principles, Examples, and Challenges [PNG] iconePdf

Gianluca Manzo earned his PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Paris-Sorbonne in 2006. He currently is a research fellow in sociology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris (within a research unit called GEMASS). He held visiting and/or teaching appointments at several places, including Nuffield College (University of Oxford), Columbia University, and the European University Institute. He edited Analytical Sociology: Actions and Network (Wiley, 2014). His substantive research deals with a variety of topics such as educational inequalities, relative deprivation, status hierarchies, and the diffusion of innovations. Computational models and mechanism-based explanations occupy a central place in his research agenda. He received the Mathematical Sociology Outstanding Article Publication Award by the American Sociological Association in 2014 for his work on simulating the emergence of educational stratification through agent-based computational techniques. More at


Amit Kumar Pandey

Socially Intelligent Robots, the next generation of Consumer Robots: Where we are, the needs and the R&D challenges?

Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey ( is Head Principal Scientist at Softbank Robotics Europe, (Formerly Aldebaran Robotics), Paris, France, also serving as the scientific coordinator (R&D) of its collaborative projects. Earlier for 6 years he worked as researcher in Robotics and AI at LAAS-CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Toulouse, France. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Robotics (title: Towards Socially Intelligent Robots in Human Centered Environment), LAAS-CNRS/INSA (National Institutes of Applied Sciences), University of Toulouse. He is among the three finalists and the second prize winner (tie) of the prestigious Georges Giralt Award for the best Ph.D. Thesis in Robotics in Europe, awarded by European Union Robotics (euRobotics). His current research interest includes Socially Intelligent Robots, Human Robot Interaction (HRI) and Robot’s Cognitive Architecture and Lifelong Learning. On these aspects, he has been actively contributed in various national and European Union (EU) projects. Among other responsibilities, he is the founding coordinator of Socially Intelligent Robots and Societal Applications (SIRo-SA) Topic Group (TG) of euRobotics (the European Union Robotics Community). He is also the recipient of Pravashi Bihari Samman Puruskar 2014 (Non Residential Bihari Honour Award), for Science, Technology and Education category. one of the highest level civilian honors, awarded by the state of Bihar, India.


Agnès Roby-Brami (ISIR, UPMC)

Health and technology: ethical issues related to behavioral observation and experimentation [PNG] iconePdf

Agnès Roby-Brami received the M.D. degree from the University Paris Descartes, in 1982, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees and University Habilitation in Neurosciences from Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France, in 1982, 1991, and 2001, respectively. She is a physician who performed her residency in Paris Hospitals during 1977–1982. She was appointed as a Research Associate at INSERM in 1983 and promoted to Research Director in 2005. Her first research interest was in the field of clinical neurophysiology after which she focused on upper limb motor control, disability, and recovery in cerebral and spinal injured patients. She is the author or coauthor of 92 peer-reviewed academic publications, 25 conference publications and 44 contributions to edited international books. She is also actively involved in several Academic Networks concerning research on disability.


Liane Schmidt (INSEAD-Sorbonne Behavioural Lab) 

Does Red Bull Give You Wings? Understanding Placebo Effects of Energy Drinks on Mental Effort  [PNG] iconePdf

Liane Schmidt is a postdoctoral fellow at INSEAD and the Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives at ENS. Her scientific background stems from cognitive and decision neurosciences. She earned her PhD at UPMC Paris, for her investigation of incentive motivation in humans. Her research interests aim at a better understanding of the neural underpinnings of expectancy effects on memory, learning and decision-making in healthy humans and patients with psychiatric, neurological and nutritional disorders. In her current work at INSEAD she investigates how expectancy is affected by gut signals on a behavioral and neural level.

Serge Uzan (Director of the University Cancer institute Pierre et Marie Curie)

Use of guidelines and heterogeneity of decision for treatments in oncology [PNG] iconePdf

Laboratory of Excellence SMART (ANR-11-LABX-65) is supported by French State funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d'Avenir programme under reference  ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02
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